Reflecting on 10 Years of PLANTING FREEDOMS
In September 2012, Sacred Keepers Sustainability Lab launched from a small "Saturday School' room in Bronzeville, Chicago and for 10 years, the organization has served as a catalytic beacon amongst the eco-spiritual BIPOC and youth communities across Chicago. The Org’s invitation has always been to reflect on the harms we perpetuate against ourselves and the Planet and to create a more harmonious and eco-driven world with youth as inheritors and designers of their world. Over the years, that vision has shifted and what I know to be most true from the 100s of hours of work and relationship building, is the value of healing space within communities of color; it is what Sacred Keepers became most known: safe indoor and outdoor space for our youth and community to gather to heal and transcend our traumas while re-imagining our eco-social terrains.
The Sacred Keepers community has successfully held and supported space for the incubation of collective vision and 100s of restorative interactions as we explored the idea of what it means to be mindful stewards and practitioners of the planet. As we have played the role of eco-social guardians well, SK is called to shift the framework of how I work and how we work in community to less of a ‘founder-driven’ design into a collective, open-source shared knowledge that can foster communal power, autonomy, collective accountably for the future of our places and spaces.
We invite you to help us build and expand this digital narration of our work. Welcome to the beginning of a powerful digital archive or Earth and People story.